Ahmad B. Mousa, PhD, PE, CPM
Assistant Professor of Geotechnical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Material Science- The German University in Cairo (GUC)

E-mail: Ahmad.Mousa@guc.edu.eg



Dr. Ahmad B. Mousa is currently an Assistant Professor of geotechnical engineering at the Faculty of Engineering and Material Science at The German University in Cairo, Egypt. He earned his B.Sc. from the Structural Division at Ain Shams University, Egypt, and – later – a Master’s degree in Construction Management from the American University in Cairo. He received a Master’s and Doctorate degrees in geotechnical engineering from Purdue University and the Georgia Institute of Technology, respectively. His research expertise covers a wide array of interests, including geotechnical engineering, sustainability applications in civil engineering, and forensic engineering. He has published 4 refereed journal articles and 4 conference articles. He teamed up with Professor Mohamed Meguid of McGill University, Canada, for a joint research effort in the area of forensic engineering and evaluation of earth infrastructure.

His first joint publication in this area was selected as a feature article by the international journal of Failure analysis and Prevention. Dr. Mousa is collaboratively leading a group of researchers from the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) in the area of laboratory geotechnical experimentation. He is the prime inventor of a new device that can be used for simple and rapid measurements of fines content in soils – unlike conventional methods. His invention is being patented in the United States by the NJIT. He is member in the Board of the Egyptian Code of Practice for Soil Mechanics and Foundation - Soil Improvement Committee. Dr. Mousa has a substantial local and international consulting experiencing in geotechnical and civil engineering. Upon receiving his PhD, he worked for several multinational companies and consulting firms in the United States. He is a registered professional engineer in the State of California and a certified project manager. Dr. Mousa has a significant consulting experience in the area of infrastructures and evaluation of earth dams and levee systems.